
Hi there! Welcome to my own little slice of the virtual world!

A little about me…  First and foremost – I am a mom!  It is the only thing I’ve ever really wanted to be.  A good solid mom!  And while there are often days I feel a bit…off – I wouldn’t trade a second of my life for any other!


In addition to mommyhood, I am also a Thrifty Diva (always looking for a good deal on the best quality!), a Full-Time Educational Consultant with Usborne Books & More (http://InspireLiteracyToday.com), a Full-Time Small Business Coach and Event Coordinator (http://BeSuccessfulOnPurpose.com), a student (when I can find time to fit in a class or two…or three.) and a part-time bartender at a local billiards club…and then sometimes….

…when I have a spare minute…. (I just laughed so hard I nearly had a keyboard covered in Dr. Pepper…although it should really be water…sigh)… When I “make myself” have a minute I like to curl up on the porch with a good book (and by this I mean the Kindle app on my iPad – and every now and then a real paper book) and a cup of tea from my Kuerig (Warm Earl Grey when its cool out and Iced Black Morning Tea when its warm out) and drift off into the wonderful world of make believe.  Good conversation with my friends and giggles from all my babies are the best!

I change the world one book at a time.  I promote literacy and give children a reason to want to learn to read.  For instance, my favorite program is called Reach for the Stars.  Each child (in a school, daycare, organization, etc) commits to read 30 minutes a day for 2 weeks.  They take pledges from family and friends for their commitment.  Then I return 100% of those pledges into books for the kids to keep forever and whatever organization we went through also gets free books!  So the children are rewarded with knowledge, hugs & high-fives instead of plastic airplanes that are broken same day and bouncy balls that find homes with the dust bunnies under the sofa.  Usborne offers a ton of programs- that is just my fave! ~Cat Clayton (Yep, I just quoted myself!)

Take a moment to visit (and Like) my Facebook page, (and follow me) on Twitter, (and follow) my blog where I talk about my journey as a WAHM (Work At Home Mom) and juggling a career (or two), three kiddos (four if you count my Schnauzer & five if you count the Mister!) and….well – life. Although my life may look and sound like a circus act, I am definitely one lucky, lucky girl!! 🙂

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: New pages! | WahmCat

  2. I nominated you for the WordPress family award. It’s under my posting for WordPress Family Award. You are to post your award with a thank you back to my link and then nominate some of your own favorites. 🙂 Happy Wednesday!!!

  3. Pingback: Every Tom, Dick & Harry… | WahmCat

  4. I believe you are my hero! Who doesn’t love a book pusher, and lover of the words! I will just award you with “awesomeness”! Keep up the good work and super positive outlook!

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