The Top 3 Excuses and Solutions for Procrastination

I’ll just write this post a little later… WAIT! I’m just kidding. But it sounds familiar doesn’t it? It certainly does in my world.

For years and years I put everything off until the absolute possible last minute. And if I’m being honest, often times much too late. Costing me countless problems like late fees and arguments with friends and family. Eventually it caught up with me because my children learned this same bad habit.

Time to turn the tables! Here are 3 of the top 3 excuses that procrastinators often use and immediate ways to combat them.

“I’m too tired.”

First of all, are you? Honestly? Are you tired or are you bored? Ask yourself that every time you use this excuse. If you truly are tired then this isn’t an excuse, it is a legit reason! But no worries – I have the solution. If it is just boredom though, then you are using this as an excuse and the only true way to fix that is simple. Just stop. Seriously. If you are bored and just don’t want to do whatever it is you are putting off then you should take a page from the old Nike slogan and just do it!

If you are truly sleepy, then here are a couple of solutions:

  • Take a power nap! They are the best! It is amazing what 20 minutes of snoozing can do to revive your energy!
  • Drink a big glass of water! Something about the cool water moving through you jolts your system with a little restart.
  • If you don’t have a full face of makeup, you can splash a little cool water on your face. I just run my hands under the cool water and then rub them on my face. Works like magic! *Admittedly I only do this one first thing in the morning. Once my makeup goes on this one is off the table. 😉
  • And finally, the most important, try and get on some sort of regular sleep schedule. When your body gets the right amount of rest you’ll wake up feeling ready to go. But for many, this just isn’t an option. So you need to find your magic number. How many hours of sleep does your body need to get its full charge? It is not the same for everyone. I don’t care what Dr. So-in-so says. In my 20’s my magic number was 3! I’m still not sure how I did that. But my magic number is currently 6. I need 6 hours of sleep a night. Too little and I’m doomed to a couple of cat naps during the day. Too much and I’m groggy and lethargic all day. But 6 hours and I’m good to go! And no matter what time you actually go to sleep if you try and sleep the same number of hours each day your body usually takes the hint and will let you know if that number of hours works for you.

The next excuse procrastinators use all the time is,

“I have plenty of time.”

My answer? Plenty of time for what? We only have so much time. I’m sure you’ve heard “Why put off today what I can do tomorrow?”, but again I argue, “Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?

For example, you decide to wait to pay your electric bill because you get paid one more time before it is due. Why? Why not just pay it now? It’s one thing if you need to use money you have now for other bills or an emergency. But if you are waiting to pay the bill until the last minute simply because it isn’t due until then, you are opening the door to a ton of bad juju. If at that last minute you aren’t able to pay the bill because of an actual emergency, then you have to worry about late fees, disconnections (this means no electricity – no cable – no charging your cell phone), reconnection fees, etc. Not to mention the embarrassment you have to face if your friends find out your electricity got shut off. Just pay it!

So whether it is a utility bill, a school assignment, your expense reimbursement form, or washing the dishes. As much as you don’t want to take the time to do it right now, just imagine the peace you’ll have when you don’t have to worry about getting it done at the last minute.

I like to use the “cooking dinner” example. When I cook dinner, I wash every dish I use during the process as soon as I am through using it. Or I’ll put it in the sink until I’m at a waiting point in the recipe and wash the ones I’ve used so far. Then when dinner is done, I can make my plate and eat and I don’t have to worry about a mountain-esque pile of dishes in my sink to wash after I’ve had dinner. I mean… what if I made smothered pork chops with mashed potatoes, corn, and steamed vegetables?! (I just made that last night in my Instant Pot so it’s still on my mind.) Who wants to stand up at the sink for 20 minutes after your belly is full of all that yummyness?!

The third most common reason:

“There is just so much do to…. ugh.”

I’ve used a lot of procrastination excuses in my time, but this one was my #1.

There is a solution! Easy Peasy!

First of all, it depends on what this thing is. If it is something that someone else can do or help with – LET THEM!! Delegate is NOT a dirty word.

For the first 6 months our resale shop was open, I did just about everything by myself. My husband helped with the super heavy lifting and some of the work with power tools when we were refurbishing furniture. But aside from his help I was pretty much a one man …eh, woman show. And it was catching up to me quick. There was just soooooooo much to do. Before long I was buried by odds and ends, antiques, collectibles, crafts, and TONS of office work to do. Not to mention keeping up with all of our online sales.

I had vendors and friends and family offer to help several times. It was easy to see I was taking on too much – to everyone but me. I just wanted to do it all. I wanted to make sure it was perfect. But guess what?! It can’t be perfect if it never gets done!!

One day a vendor (vendor then, friend now) walked in and we chatted for a while. She brought me lunch and I didn’t get a dang thing done all day. I left feeling a bit stressed that I hadn’t done anything all day. I ate dinner and got in bed and the second I was comfortable, I realized something. I was…. well, comfortable! Both literally and figuratively. Mind, body, and soul. I didn’t realize how much I needed that outlet. How much I needed that girl time. To just let loose and relax. I’d been so overwhelmed with everything I had to do and putting off 27 things so I could work on another – that I forgot about me!!

I know what you are thinking. This is supposed to be a post about not putting things off. I get it. Just hang on, you’ll see my point in a minute.

The next day she showed up again. This time no lunch, just came in and started chatting. The day before during our talks I had mentioned some of the ideas I was thinking about doing for the shop. One of them was to get my Christmas tree in the front window taken down (it was already the beginning of January) and set up the area for Valentine’s Day. This day she asked me if she could take my tree down for me. I was knee deep in end-of-month AND end-of-year reports and I couldn’t imagine that she couldn’t handle putting away a few ornaments and stuffing the tree back in the box. So I said sure.

For hours we worked together and chatted. By the end of the day my tree was down, ornaments were put away and much of my other Christmas decor was put away. And much nicer, nearer, and more organized than I would have “had the time” to do. I again went to bed that night feeling happily comfortable.

Every day for weeks she just came in and helped. The more she did the better I felt. It became very easy to let go of things. I found myself coming up with new and exciting, fun ideas because I wasn’t so bound by time anymore.

At first it was very hard to let her help because I wanted to do it all myself and I felt very bad about her “working” at my store and I just didn’t have the funds to have an employee. However, she was going through some personal things and being at the shop and doing things helped keep her mind off them and every now and then I would give her little trinkets we found on our sourcing trips for the shop. At first she wouldn’t accept them, but when I explained it was my little way of showing how much I appreciated her help, she finally accepted.

Had I never given in and let her take some of the small tasks off my plate – I would probably still have a Christmas Tree in my front window. And I would still feel very stressed and overwhelmed. It is ok to let someone take a little off your plate. As Elsa from Disney’s Frozen says, “Let it go, Let it go”. 😀

That first day I did procrastinate, but not intentionally. I was so relaxed I wasn’t thinking about the ridiculous task list I had going on in the back of my head. And when I finally let her help, we got so much more done that a weight was lifted off my shoulders that I didn’t even realize was weighing me down.

But I digress, sometimes you can’t share your workload. Sometimes you are the only one who can do it. So take baby steps.

One trick I use when I have a lot of tasks to do is the 5 minute rule. Now first let me say without my Apple Watch I would never have thought about this. But you don’t have to use an Apple Watch. You can use your phone or just keep an eye on the time.

The 5 minute rule is simple. I make a list of all the things I need to accomplish or work on. I number them in the order that I wrote them. Then I start a 5 minute timer and work on #1 on the list for 5 minutes. When my timer goes off, I stop. I check the list for #2 and reset the timer and work on the second thing on the list.

This is why I like to use my Apple Watch. It sends a little buzz to my arm when my time is up. You can just pick up a timer at your local dollar store. It’ll work just fine. I like this one too!

If I had 6 things to work on, on my list and spent 2 hours working on them, that is 20 minutes on each chore. It helps break up the monotony of just working on one thing for what feels like forever and when you are all done you have accomplished several small tasks instead of just one. Seeing the progress is what really motivates me!

I used this method as a teenager to clean my room. I would split my room into 6 sections and work around them. It worked like magic!

If you are working on a school project or something and you can’t split your project up in 6 parts, then work for 15 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. Play on your phone or read a book. But set a timer and when it goes off, your done son! Get back to work! When your 2 hours is up you’ll have worked an hour and a half on your project and destroyed 3 levels of candy crush!! #Sweet

So, first decide if your reason for putting something off is a true reason or an excuse. Don’t trick yourself into thinking that a reason and excuse are the same thing. There are things that sound like true reasons on the surface but are actually just excuses.

“I’m tired” – so take a cat nap.

“I have plenty of time” – Great! Use the time to get it done, then reward yourself!

“It’s too overwhelming” – get help or take baby steps. Remember the 5 minute rule yo!

No matter your reason there is a way to work around it. There is always a way around it. Ultimately, just do it!!!

Got tips for how you’ve overcome procrastination? Can’t decide if your reason is really an excuse for procrastinating? Comment below!

Much love,


Day 2 – Misters and Neosporin

Hi guys!! This is Cat, back with day #2 of my Social Media Challenge!  For those of you that don’t know what I’m talking about check out this link:

Day 1 – You guys gonna play?

That is the intro post for my challenge….or just keep reading… here are the basics…

Basically, I decided I wanted to remember everyday what I was thankful for and not so much about all the crappy things that had happened that day or that I had seen on the news…  So I created #365smc – that is the official hashtag for my challenge!  Here are the rules of the game: I challenge you to post 365 days in a row what you are thankful for and why on the social media platform of your choice.  When you post, make sure you use the hashtag #365smc so I can find all of your posts, videos, etc and give you a shout out!! 😀  I will be posting mine on Youtube and WordPress every single day and will be posting from time to time on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.  I will also be searching various sites for my hashtag to see who is playing along!! :o)

So on day #2 of my challenge I am thankful for… #MistersThatArentButtholes and #NeosporinWithPainRelief.

Here is why… On Thanksgiving Day – we had a FULL schedule.  I wanted to get up early and drive 45 minutes South to visit with my family at my aunts house and then drive about an hour Northeast of there to spend the rest of our holiday with the Mister’s dad and his wife.  They will be going on a 22 day trip to Cape Cod during Christmas, so we were celebrating both holidays on this day.  After we piled the 3 year old (in his car seat), the 12 (almost 13 year old diva) Mini Me and the 14 (almost 15 year old) big kid in the back seat, locked the front door and had all of the things we needed for the day in the trunk, I thought it would be a really awesome idea to put the keys to the car in my jacket pocket and then lock it in the trunk!!

NO joke.  #ImABigDummy So we unloaded all of the children, put them in the house to (fight and argue and drive me crazy-er) hang out and then dismantled – broke in – figured out a way to get the keys back. We looked for a “how to (not be a dummy) get into your locked trunk without the keys” video on Youtube.  However the one we found, basically said we would need to saw a hole into the side panel of the car…that isn’t really an option.  A locksmith on Thanksgiving day would have been astronomical…assuming we could find one willing.  So I finally got the #bright idea to stick my arm in between the seats with a long wire and pull my jacket to me to get the keys out.  It actually worked…after about an hour…and lots of scratches…and bruising….sigh.

I was mostly worried about the Mister giving me a hard time or making feel like a big idiot for not being more careful. I’ve had that car for 5 or 6 years and I’ve always been super careful with my key because I only have one! Because it has some kind of special chip in it, it would cost like $85 for a new one!! However, he was really sweet about the whole thing. Once it was all said and done the scratches on my arm were burning like crazy!! The Neosporin with Pain Relief worked like magic and soon my arm was only irritated when I touched it against something. So I’m definitely thankful for those 2 things!

Thanksgiving Day was a great day though.  I didn’t get to see my parents or family, we had to nix that because of time restraints.  However it was a great day!  I got to visit with the Mister’s family and we had Thanksgiving dinner and exchanged gifts with his family.

If you’d like to see my video on the story, check out the clip of my little man giggling like crazy in a giant jingle bells hat, and check out the scratches on my arm (honestly I’m being a big baby) you can hope over to my YouTube channel, Obliviously Awesome and check out the video with the same name as the post. The video is about 10 minutes long so it would be a fun little break for ya. – Here is the YouTube Video that goes with this post.

I look forward to your comments and questions below and on my YouTube video. Remember if you want to play along with my social medial challenge, use the hashtag: #365smc. See you guys tomorrow!




You have to!! Because Jesus said!! Out of the mouths of babes…

As an Educational Consultant for Usborne Books – I get to do LOTS of fun things with kids.  In fact, that is one of the reasons I became a part of the company 2 years ago.  I started college thinking I wanted to be a teacher – however – being a “teacher” in Texas isn’t all it is cracked up to be…  In my opinion, teachers in Texas do not have the ability to teach children the way that they need to be taught.  There are so many rules and regulations that as a parent it is often hard for me to help my children with their homework because it has to be done a specific way.  That doesn’t make sense to me…but I digress.  I could go on for hours and hours about that.

The point is that with Usborne, I get to go into schools, preschools, daycares, libraries and community centers and hang out with the coolest kids!!  They are always saying the funniest things that make me smile, make me laugh and always make my day.

Today I spent the day with over 50 kids ages 3 and up.  I read them the story of ‘Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster’, which is one of my absolute favorites.  The message it carries is one every child (and adult!) should hear and believe.


After the book reading I sat with each child and painted their face with something unique to their personality.  I spent the day painting smiley faced suns, flowers, butterflies, heart shaped ladybugs, snakes and Hello Kitty.  One little boy asked me to paint the yellow bird from Angry Birds!  I told him I had never done that one, but that I would try.  When I was finished I took a pic and showed him and he LOVED it…although I thought I had done a terrible job!  All of the kids told them how much they liked it and it made me so happy to know I put that smile on his face…and the angry bird… 😉


Another little boy sat down (after I had just finished a dinosaur on another little boys face) and asked if I could do a dinosaur for him.  I told him I could and showed him the picture of the one I had just done.  He said, “Well actually, my favorite dinosaur is the Brachiosaurus.”  I laughed and told him I wasn’t sure I could quite do that specific dinosaur justice.  He then spent a solid minute explaining to me what it looked like.  I finally got it across that it wasn’t an option.  Then he says, “Well, actually my favorite animal that is alive in the world we live in today is…is….is…the giant gorilla.  Can you paint the giant gorilla on my face?”  The only thing I could think to say while trying not to laugh was, “I’m not sure it would fit on your face.”  I tried to explain that since there were so many kids and only one of me that to make it fair to each of his friends that he would need to pick something from the list.  He finally picked the snake.  My example picture is a little green snake with brown triangle spots and a black tongue and eyes.  As I dipped my brush in the green paint he says, “Well actually, snakes are my very favorite animal in the world and I especially like the poison ones.  The ones in Texas aren’t poisonous and can’t bite you, but I like the ones that can.  Can you paint a really poisonous snake?”  This one scared me because I felt the need to explain to him the truth about Texas snakes!!  However, I wound up doing a green snake with black and red triangles and a red tongue.  This seemed to make him happy…finally.


After I painted their faces I stamped their little hands with our Usborne signature mascot – the duck!  They all loved that and a few even walked away saying quack quack. 🙂


The last class of the day was the school aged kids.  These are kids ages 5 and up that are in public school but are out for Summer vacation.  Because this room was more advanced, they had pop music playing on the radio while the kids were playing in various centers waiting on their turn to have their face painted.  There was this one little boy that really just made my whole day.  After listening to the local pop station, the teacher put in a Michael Jackson CD.  I wouldn’t have thought these kids knew who he was, much less enjoy his music.  This one little boy just absolutely made my day.  He stood in front of the stereo and danced to every single MJ song.  When I say he danced I mean he literally danced the dances MJ did in his videos for each song.  He had to have been about 7 years old and was just awesome.  He even did the crotch grab, which was funny, cute and awkward all at the same time.  I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it, but his talent kept me entertained and in awe for sure.

I was finishing up my last face of the day (another Hello Kitty) when they started setting up for lunch.  Little Michael Jackson Jr. began to help set out the plastic ware and plates.  Just as I finished my last duck stamp and began to clean up my paint area, he walked up to the teacher as she was about to start dishing out food and said, “You have to serve me first, it says so in the Bible.”  I couldn’t help but come to a complete stop and watch the scene play out.  The teacher didn’t even know what to say and just looked at him, completely speechless.  He realized she was not on the same page as him so he continued, “The Bible says that the last person to get served should be the first person to get served and I got my plate after everyone else, so you have to give me food before anyone else.”  Now the teacher had caught up and without missing a beat says, “Didn’t you get a spoon before anyone else?”

The whole exchange just made me laugh and think about what his home life is like.  I envisioned his Sunday mornings started with Bible Study, then Church Service, followed by lunch and an afternoon of Michael Jackson dance moves training.  It’s so interesting to think about what types of lifestyles each child has.

I am lucky that the future I have planned for myself includes a company that puts me in front of children like this everyday.  The daycare was so impressed they decided they’d like for me to come back (possibly quarterly) and do book fairs for them that often as well. 🙂  I can’t wait until I get to go back.

Have you experienced a child doing or saying something hilarious (or in some cases embarrassing to you but funny to someone else)?  I would love to hear your stories below!!

As a final note I’ll leave you with a short (very embarrassing) story from when my Mini Me was 3.  It was mid October and we still had no idea what she was going to be for Halloween.  I was doing a little late night grocery shopping and thought I’d flip through the costume rack while I had the time.  The only people on the isle were me, my daughter and another woman.  Now the size or race of a person would NEVER make it in my blog unless it was relevant to the story – and this is totally relevant.  The other woman was an older, black woman that was fairly heavyset.  She was on one side of the isle and we were on the other – baskets side by side.  I kept pulling things from the rack and showing them to the Mini Me: “How about a fairy? A princess? A witch? A pumpkin fairy princess?”  She just kept shaking her head no and was becoming increasingly more irritated.  As I was about to give up, I sighed rather heavily and said, “Ok then, if you don’t want to be any of these costumes what do you want to be?”  I suppose she was irritated because I didn’t already I know what she wanted to be.  So she responds with a very exasperated and very loud comment, “I WANNA BE A TITTY!  A BIG BLACK TITTY!” Oh. My. Goodness.  I am a redhead so when I blush its pretty obvious.  I went red from head to toe and turned to apologize and that poor woman was about to pee herself because she was laughing so hard.  Thank goodness she had a sense of humor – I was mortified!  Now every Halloween the Mini Me waits until we are in the middle of Walmart and with an evil little grin says, “Hey mom, know what I want to be for Halloween this year?” :o)





Oh yes…that just happened.

So….you know you’ve had a long day when….
What. A. Long. Day. – That is what I was thinking on the way home the other day.  It had been one of “those” days.  You know the kind:

  • Wake up at 3 am with headache – Check!
  • Wake up at 5 am and waddle to the kitchen with my eyes closed to make a bottle – only to find that the little guy really just wanted his binky and is now fast asleep – Check!
  • Wake up late (which means no time to shower) – Check!
  • Start knocking off the mile-long “To Do” list only to realize you can’t do it all because enough time does not exist – Check!
  • Spend the day (half asleep) trying to deal with people who you are convinced are out to get you or maybe it is just a full moon – Check!

Yes.  That kind.  But then – finally – it was time to head home.  Sweet. 🙂

So there I am, sitting in my car, driving home.  It has turned into a lovely night so I turn the A/C off and roll down the windows to enjoy the light breeze.  I have the radio tuned to my favorite station and I realize I’m pretty beat when I can’t even really sing along.  So happy to be headed home.

And then as I’m waiting for the light to turn green, I see it.  Right in the middle of the intersection!  A big frog!!  He is just hopping little tiny froggy hops across the intersection.  Then my mind begins to wander…… There aren’t any sources of water around here.  No creek, river or even water sprinklers going off.  Aren’t frogs supposed to live in dark, damp, swampy type places? Or maybe not. (I should Google that later.)  Where did this little guy come from?  Well he’s hardly little – he’s actually quite large!  Poor thing – stuck in the middle of the road with cars on all sides of him.  Unfortunately, I am in no condition to be stopping traffic to rescue a huge frog that I’ll have no idea what to do with.  Although…the thought does cross my mind. (sigh) Lord, I need to get home. (Yawn.)

Finally, the light is green and as I start to press the gas pedal, I feel a tiny bit sad for this poor little froggy.  I sure hope he doesn’t get smushed!  And at that very moment…a car speeds through the light in the lane beside me and I already know my new little friend is done for.  The next few seconds play out in slow motion – the car hits the frog and he flies up into the air and then slowly (and almost melodically) starts to flutter back to the middle of the intersection.  I know what you are thinking….frogs don’t flutter.  Nope.  They sure don’t – but potato chip bags do.  Yep.  That just happened.

So for future reference – no matter the day you’ve had – no matter how resilient you think you are – anytime you mistake a potato chip bag being slowly pushed across an intersection by a light breeze… for a lost frog looking for his marshy homeland – you’ve definitely had a long day.