Day 2 – Misters and Neosporin

Hi guys!! This is Cat, back with day #2 of my Social Media Challenge!  For those of you that don’t know what I’m talking about check out this link:

Day 1 – You guys gonna play?

That is the intro post for my challenge….or just keep reading… here are the basics…

Basically, I decided I wanted to remember everyday what I was thankful for and not so much about all the crappy things that had happened that day or that I had seen on the news…  So I created #365smc – that is the official hashtag for my challenge!  Here are the rules of the game: I challenge you to post 365 days in a row what you are thankful for and why on the social media platform of your choice.  When you post, make sure you use the hashtag #365smc so I can find all of your posts, videos, etc and give you a shout out!! 😀  I will be posting mine on Youtube and WordPress every single day and will be posting from time to time on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.  I will also be searching various sites for my hashtag to see who is playing along!! :o)

So on day #2 of my challenge I am thankful for… #MistersThatArentButtholes and #NeosporinWithPainRelief.

Here is why… On Thanksgiving Day – we had a FULL schedule.  I wanted to get up early and drive 45 minutes South to visit with my family at my aunts house and then drive about an hour Northeast of there to spend the rest of our holiday with the Mister’s dad and his wife.  They will be going on a 22 day trip to Cape Cod during Christmas, so we were celebrating both holidays on this day.  After we piled the 3 year old (in his car seat), the 12 (almost 13 year old diva) Mini Me and the 14 (almost 15 year old) big kid in the back seat, locked the front door and had all of the things we needed for the day in the trunk, I thought it would be a really awesome idea to put the keys to the car in my jacket pocket and then lock it in the trunk!!

NO joke.  #ImABigDummy So we unloaded all of the children, put them in the house to (fight and argue and drive me crazy-er) hang out and then dismantled – broke in – figured out a way to get the keys back. We looked for a “how to (not be a dummy) get into your locked trunk without the keys” video on Youtube.  However the one we found, basically said we would need to saw a hole into the side panel of the car…that isn’t really an option.  A locksmith on Thanksgiving day would have been astronomical…assuming we could find one willing.  So I finally got the #bright idea to stick my arm in between the seats with a long wire and pull my jacket to me to get the keys out.  It actually worked…after about an hour…and lots of scratches…and bruising….sigh.

I was mostly worried about the Mister giving me a hard time or making feel like a big idiot for not being more careful. I’ve had that car for 5 or 6 years and I’ve always been super careful with my key because I only have one! Because it has some kind of special chip in it, it would cost like $85 for a new one!! However, he was really sweet about the whole thing. Once it was all said and done the scratches on my arm were burning like crazy!! The Neosporin with Pain Relief worked like magic and soon my arm was only irritated when I touched it against something. So I’m definitely thankful for those 2 things!

Thanksgiving Day was a great day though.  I didn’t get to see my parents or family, we had to nix that because of time restraints.  However it was a great day!  I got to visit with the Mister’s family and we had Thanksgiving dinner and exchanged gifts with his family.

If you’d like to see my video on the story, check out the clip of my little man giggling like crazy in a giant jingle bells hat, and check out the scratches on my arm (honestly I’m being a big baby) you can hope over to my YouTube channel, Obliviously Awesome and check out the video with the same name as the post. The video is about 10 minutes long so it would be a fun little break for ya. – Here is the YouTube Video that goes with this post.

I look forward to your comments and questions below and on my YouTube video. Remember if you want to play along with my social medial challenge, use the hashtag: #365smc. See you guys tomorrow!




14,000 things to be happy about.

**November Daily Blog Self-Challenge**

Friday, November 1st, 2013 (Better late than never?!)

To begin my challenge I thought it would be nice to do a post about the things I am thankful for – since this is the month that lots of people celebrate the very same.  Everything that I am thankful for also makes me very happy – so I decided to take inspiration from this great little book I found at the Half Price Bookstore.


Every now and then when I am having a rough day I pick up this book and go to a random page and find something new to be thankful for.  Some days it gets really funny… like on page 546 when it says “kitties licking” and “blue light bulbs”…sure I guess those things might make someone happy.  What makes my day is when I flip open to things like on page 209 – “low, rolling thunder in late fall” and “extra kisses” on page 208. 🙂

While flitting through Google to find other bits of happiness I came across the neatest little website.  http://www.thingstobehappyabout.com/  Apparently, this website took motivation from the same book and started a website where others can leave things that make them happy that aren’t already on the list. (What a BRILLIANT idea!)  As of today it lists 146,047 things to be happy about!!

There is also a special link for kids to find something to be happy about too!  Things like “earning a scholarship”, “asking about someone’s day and caring about the answer”, and “biking undisturbed by thought”.  What lovely ideas!

Take a moment and check out the site – it might make your day.

I’m going to leave you with 30 things that make me happy.

  1. My first will just be my life.  This is all inclusive of my family, friends and everything and everyone that makes me…me.  The next 29 things will be things that I have picked from the book that this blog post is titled for. I hope you enjoy. 🙂
  2. “a new canvas” – I have a new love for painting and I really enjoy starting with a new blank canvas and making it what I want.
  3. “sexy music” – I love, love, love me some saxophone.
  4. “leaves becoming a restless golden drift, a wine-red flurry in the wind” – I absolutely love Fall and this little ditty makes me want to sit in the falling leaves and write a poem about why it makes me happy.
  5. “strawberry champagne” – yum.  Just yum.
  6. “peaceful countryside” – nothing sweeter on a Fall afternoon than a drive down a country road.
  7. “Thanksgiving dinners” – my absolute favorite day of the year to eat. everything. in. sight. Period.
  8. “hearthside” – could be very romantic or just relaxing with a good book and a glass of wine.
  9. “a yummy gourmet shop” – yes.  I like to eat. 🙂 …and yummy is good.
  10. “3-D movies” – Love it!!  We have a 3D TV at home and we love it!  Saves a ton of movie from the theater fees and makes a great – inexpensive date night! 😉
  11. “Coca-Cola commercials” – Yes!  Just thinking about it makes me want a coke right now – and I’m a Dr. Pepper kinda gal!
  12. “the purr of a kitten” – I am allergic, but I love kitties!  I would have one tomorrow if the Mister would let me!
  13. “opening a nearby window to let in sounds and smells of spring” – I’m all about the nature.  Good tunes and a nice breeze and sounds of nature – nice afternoon.
  14. “fresh flowers at work” – or anywhere for that matter.  I’m actually considering to add buying fresh flowers for the kitchen every week to my to-do list!
  15. “pre-Christmas hustle and bustle” – I know lots of people hate it…but I love it!  There is just enough people left in the world that enjoy the Spirit of Christmas that makes me feel all jolly. 🙂
  16. “the color, scent, and deliciousness of strawberries” – they can be used for so many things.
  17. “the sweet and simple indulgence of an afternoon nap” – especially outdoors!
  18. “watching it snow” – nothing else need be said about that.
  19. “tickling and silly songs and cookies and hot chocolate in bed” – just a lovely way to make memories.
  20. “the perfect outdoor café where you can hang out with a newspaper, sip, nibble, people-watch” – I don’t really have one of these that I know of – but I can’t wait to find one. 🙂
  21. “this thing called love” – indeed.
  22. “accepting a compliment” – and really mean it when you accept it.
  23. “places to go antiquing” – especially the ones with little tea rooms.
  24. “gentlemen rising when a lady enters or leaves a room” – doesn’t happen much anymore
  25. “recreation and leisure” – all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…and that is just no fun.
  26. “A word to the wise is sufficient” – makes me happy and is a lovely piece of advice!!
  27. “your best friend and a good bottle of wine” – yes ma’am!
  28. “not just seizing the day but making the day” – absolutely!
  29. “your signature” – who doesn’t practice to make their signature the best?
  30. “photographing children” – seriously the most fun

And that is just a tiny little bit of what makes me happy…there is oh so much more!!
I challenge you to come up with your own list of 30 random things to be happy about and thankful for and link back to this post so your friends and followers can do it too.  When you look for those small things in life it just perks you up.

I wish you all a lovely day! 🙂

It is 3:55 am and I have to be up at 6:30 so I’m hopping in bed for a little nappy poo. After the kids are up and off to school I’ll hop on and get my other blogs on here to catch up to my challenge.
