
Hi there!  I am so excited!! I have Blogging Peeps!! 😀

That’s me —————————————————————^^^^ (in the pink) surrounded by all my future bloggin peeps! :)According to WordPress (thankyou!) I have reached 5 followers!  Now to those of you that have thousands of your own peeps – this is not a big deal to you.  But I am a brand spanking new blogging momma and this makes me happy X5! 🙂

I visit the blogs I follow just about everyday and try to leave comments all the time.  Please feel free to comment on mine – good or bad – I’m a big girl! I can take it!!  I am also trying to come up with a theme everyday – so that if I want to post something I can post it on one of the following next 7 days.  That way those of you that are interested in my funny kid stories or my literacy facts, but not so much in my give-a-ways or my “I hate (blah blah) because (blah blah)” rants – You can just read the posts that interest you.  I’m not quite sure I’m cool enough to pull it all off…but we’ll see…. 🙂

I look forward to making new friends out there in the blogging world and am really looking forward to the day I can post that I have 100 followers!!  And someday….1,000? (gasp!)

I wish you all a super amazing day.  This happy little blogging momma is going to go work on her next post! 🙂



4 thoughts on “Yay!! 5 Followers! :)

    • I am just so stinkin excited about it! Thanks for the pat on the back!! 🙂 I am loving “meeting” all these new people and learning the ‘In’s and Out’s’ of the blogging world!

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